Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Everyone’s a copy editor

Union Square hosts an open market several times a week. Fresh breads, cheeses, produce and meats are brought in from area farms and displayed in stalls from 14th Street to 17th Street along the west side of the park. For free things to do in the city, you can’t do much better than walk the market and enjoy the vibe coming off all that wholesome goodness.

Today, I did just that.

One of the stalls was selling butchered hog from a farm in upstate New York. There was a chalkboard sign beside fat slabs of bacon that read:


A woman told the young, bearded man working the stall, “There should be an exclamation point on that sign.”

The young man looked up.

“The excitement is implied.”


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, you're a nut! Had me going for a minute...but you know i'm gullible...molly

R. Arson Teague said...

Hey, Molly! I miss you. But, had you going nothin'. That cat wanted me down. I was a whisker from the end of my adventure called life. I still get a shiver.

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